LCD Stands for Liquid Crystal Display. A liquid-crystal display is a flat-panel display, electronically modulated optical device that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals combined with polarizers. Liquid crystals do not emit light directly, it works using a backlight or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome.

The LCD we are going to discuss is Arduino Interfaceble display modules. They have size variety like 16x2, 20x4 and many more but the working process is the same for almost every one of them. But the price increases with the display capacity.

These Displays have different colors too. Color varies with the backlight. Blue ones are a little different actually. they are called Inverted displays. No Matter what size or color it has all of them work just like the same even all of them have the same pin configuration.
All of them have 16 Pins. A list of them is given here. These LCDs are loaded with a table where all the characters are stored. All we have to tell it which character to display and where to display that's all.
Let's skip the theory and go to the interfacing part. As we have limited pin in Arduino we will be using the 4bit mode of this led. In 4bit mode, we use only 4 pin D4-D7 of the LCD data bus.
What to Do?
Hardware part:
Connect the LCD pins accordingly. For this purpose, a connection diagram is given. Once the connection is done recheck the wiring and connect the Arduino to the computer.
Software part:
Arduino has a header file named LiquidCrystal.h which takes care of all the things. We just need to include this header in our program.
The next step is to tell the Arduino in which pin the LCD is connected for that purpose we use this line LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);.
Now as we have said the pins, we have to tell the controller to start the LCD with the capacity of the LCD. Here we are using a 16x2 LCD so we wrote lcd.begin(16, 2);.
This is time to tell the LCD to display what we want it to display. In my case its "hello, world!" we the command for this is, lcd.print("hello, world!");

All of them have 16 Pins. A list of them is given here. These LCDs are loaded with a table where all the characters are stored. All we have to tell it which character to display and where to display that's all.
Let's skip the theory and go to the interfacing part. As we have limited pin in Arduino we will be using the 4bit mode of this led. In 4bit mode, we use only 4 pin D4-D7 of the LCD data bus.
What to Do?
Hardware part:

Software part:
Arduino has a header file named LiquidCrystal.h which takes care of all the things. We just need to include this header in our program.
The next step is to tell the Arduino in which pin the LCD is connected for that purpose we use this line LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);.
Now as we have said the pins, we have to tell the controller to start the LCD with the capacity of the LCD. Here we are using a 16x2 LCD so we wrote lcd.begin(16, 2);.
This is time to tell the LCD to display what we want it to display. In my case its "hello, world!" we the command for this is, lcd.print("hello, world!");

Circuit Diagram:
LCD Display Library:
LCD Display Library:
- Comes with Arduino IDE
- Coming Soon
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